If you are an English learner and wish to improve your speaking skill, you are in a right place. This article, Comprehensive English speaking package for everyday use, opens up a great opportunity to achieve this by enhancing your speaking skill for daily conversations, IELTS, and PTE. This quality article is a collection of daily set phrases, expressions, linking, words, paired conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, prepositional phrases, discourse markers, conversation openers and more.

Comprehensive English speaking package for everyday use
including daily set phrases, expressions, linking words, paired conjunctions, conjunctive adverbs, prepositional phrases, discourse markers, conversation openers and more
Giving opinion:
I assume / suppose / reckon / suspect (sth bad is true) that
It seems to me (that)
In my opinion / view / estimation, I would say
In my humble opinion / in this regard
In my experience / defense,
Based on my experiences so far, I would say
From my point of view / viewpoint / perspective / standpoint on sth, I would say
As far as I am concerned / can judge, I would say
If you ask me, I would say
Just off the top of my head, (from the knowledge you have in your memory)
From memory, (without reading or referring to notes)
The first idea / thing / that comes to mind is
Sth (that is) occurring to me that (Comes into your mind)
Sth that is crossing my mind is / that
Sth (that is) popping into my mind is
It just strikes me that (suddenly think of sth)
It dawns on me that (you understand sth after a period of not understanding it)
Other examples:
Without offending anyone who thinks otherwise, in my humble opinion,
I suppose that it would depend on the type of sth and the circumstances
There are always two sides to every issue,
It sounds like a double-edged sword
No matter from which angle it is viewed
It matters from which angle it is looked at
It would be fair / wise to say that
No wonder that / it is not surprising that
Giving opinion (Formal)
I take the view that
The general consensus about sth is that
It’s my personal conviction that (strong belief, opinion)
My perception / realization / comprehension / understanding of sth is
My outlook / remark / comment on sth is
My attitude to sth is
I am in no position to judge people whether
Contrary to popular opinion / belief
Contrary to my appearance / sth, I am a …
As we can see nowadays,
By all accounts, (said by most people)
Start a discussion about sth
With respect / regard to sth / in respect of sth
In the case of sth,
When it comes to sth,
Speaking of sth,
Speaking as a / an …… I would say (with your experience)
From a / an …… point of view,
From the standpoint of sth,
As far as sth is concerned,
As far as sth goes,
For all intents and purposes, (almost completely)
For better or (for) worse, (used to say that something must be accepted, whether it is good or bad)
First things first,
When all’s said and done, (used to remind sb about an important point to be considered / in the end)
, to say the least = say sth serious politely
Suffice it to say, (it’s enough to say)
, So to speak (when people use this phrase, they are citing another well-known phrase, metaphor or commonly used way of saying sth indirectly)
With the wisdom of hindsight, / in hindsight, = with the knowledge that experience gives you
Start with an adverb:
Admittedly = of course = used when you are admitting that sth is true
Arguably = in a way that can be shown to be true
Briefly = In a nutshell / all in all / to recap
Basically = essentially = used when referring to the most important characteristic of sth
By / from all accounts = as said by most people
Conversely = on the contrary = quite the opposite
Despite what has just been said = having said that=/=nevertheless = even so = regardless of = But then again
Generally = in general (terms) = broadly = by and large = at large = on average = on the whole
Generally / broadly speaking = in most situations
Generally accepted / regarded = widely
Honestly = being honest = truth to be told = to be honest = frankly
Hypothetically (speaking) = imagined or suggested, but perhaps not true
Ironically = in a way that is different or opposite from the result you would expect
Invariably = always = moreoftenthannot
Literally = using the real or original meaning of a word // used to emphasize a statement
Most significantly / importantly = most notably = above all = first and foremost
Naturally = inherently = instinctively = spontaneously = not thought about, planned, or learned
Naturally = ofcourse = used when sth is normal and not surprising
Possibly = potentially == perhaps
Practically = almost = virtually
Specifically = for a particular reason, purpose // exactly
Supposedly = according to what sb told you // or according to what is believed by people
Thankfully = to show you are happy or grateful about sth
Theoretically = used to say what is possible in theory, but it may not happen in practice
Unavoidably = inevitably = impossible to avoid
Undoubtedly = without a doubt = no doubt
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Do you want to expand your English vocabulary and improve your speaking skill?
Have you planned to succeed in IELTS, PTE, and TOEFL and get a high mark?
If your answer is yes, happily, you are in the right place. To best achieve your goal of being a person using various idioms and expressions in your conversations with other people or in your speaking exam, you need to learn and correctly use them in different contexts. This compilation effectively aids you in not only accomplishing your goal but also providing you with an opportunity to learn various idioms with meaning within different topics. However, your only task is to frequently read and use them in day-to-day conversations and in your writing to be embedded in your mind.
This ebook, Essential Idioms, has carefully been prepared to benefit you by providing a range of different and common idioms used by English speakers. This collection is also progressing to being more and more complete and comprehensive.
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Ebook | Comprehensive English speaking package for everyday use |
File format | PDF (Digital file) |
Version | First edition |
Page | 14 pages |
Price | $4 US |
Payment method | PayPal (All credit and debit cards) |
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