Essential Windows Commands, Shortcuts for CMD, PowerShell, RUN

Are you an amateur Windows user, a help desk, or a syaadmin using Windows to have your work and projects done? If so, you should regularly use a number of commands and shortcuts to do your daily tasks more quickly. There are plenty of good sources available to refer to through they are not comprehensive enough. With this, by spending ample time to find and compile all essential Windows commands and shortcuts for CMD, PowerShell, and RUN, this file can be of your assistance as a reference.

All essential Windows commands based on Windows 10, 8, and 7

A collection of basic Windows commands for CMD, PowerShell, and RUN besides Windows shortcuts

All practical and standard Windows commands with straightforward descriptions.

Windows keyboard shortcuts

Windows key + rRun
Windows key + eFile explorer
Windows key + dShow or hide desktop
Windows key + ,Temporarily peek at the desktop (Windows 10)
Windows key + Ctrl + DAdd new virtual desktop
Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow / left arrowMove to the next virtual desktop
Windows key + LLock your computer
Windows key + x > u > u Windows key + x > u > rShut down your windows 10 Restart your windows 10
Windows key + pExternal display options
Windows key + TabVirtual desktop and currently open windows management
Windows key + Pause/breakOpen the windows information page / about page
Ctrl + Shift + EscTask manager
F11Switch to full screen mode
PrtScn Alt + PrtScnScreenshot the entire window Screenshot the current window

PowerShell commands

Get-help stringDisplaying info about a specific command or find the closest command to the string
Get-alias –definition command
Get-alias –name alias
Listing all the alias of command lets Showing the alias of a command Showing the command of an alias
Get-help command -detailed / -ful
Get-help command -showwindow
Man command / help command
Showing the information about a specific command
Command | Get-memberShowing the properties and methods (Options) of objects/commands
Command | select -property name, string | sort -property string 
Command | where {$ –eq “string”}
Showing only a specific property of a command by sorting it Property is an object of a command
Stop-Process -processname notepad
Stop-Process -ID 2668
Stopping a specific process
Checkpoint-Computer -Description “first” -RestorePointType “Modify_Settings”Setting a restore point for your Windows in case of any unfavorable changes
New-LocalUser -Name <String> -AccountExpires <DateTime> -AccountNeverExpires –confirm –Disabled -Password* <String> -PasswordNeverExpiresCreating a user
Enter-pssession computer-nameConnect to another system’s terminal in a domain network remotely
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server1, server2 {second command}Running the second command based on server1 and 2
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server1 -FilePath c:\test.ps1Running the test.ps1 script on the Server1
Invoke-Command -ComputerName server1 -Credential Domain1\User1 -ScriptBlock { Get-EventLog system -Newest 50 }Running a command on the Server1 remote computer with credential
Copy-Item “C:\Services.htm” -Destination “C:\user1\Services.txt”Copying a file into another address by renaming it as well
Gci / lsPrinting all the files and directories of the current directory
— Start-Sleep 60; Restart-Computer –Force –ComputerName TARGETMACHINERemotely shutting down another machine after one minute
$string = ‘string’, ‘string2’
$string = command
$string = read-host “Enter a name”
Write-host $string –foregroundcolor string –backgroundcolor string
Creating a variable with an string (used instead of a parameter’s data) Creating a variable with a command Creating a variable with an input Printing a variable with customization

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Page7 pages
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